Okauchee Area ATV/UTV Club Bylaws
Okauchee Area ATV/UTV Club
Created June 10, 2022
Amended February 13, 2024
Section I – Name
The name of this organization shall be the “Okauchee Area ATV/UTV Club”. Also, to be known as “OKATV”.
Section II – Purpose
The OKATV Club is a non-profit, membership club established in order to support ATV/UTV enthusiasts, individuals and families, as well as to promote the sport in the Waukesha County Wisconsin and surrounding areas. The club’s principal goals are:
● To provide safety education through the use of club members maintaining certification by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources as Certified Safety Instructors. The club will at times and frequency which will be determined by the club, volunteer to hold in person WI DNR approved safety training. Safety training will primarily be for ATV’s but may also include any combination of the following; Snowmobile, Off Highway Motorcycle and Boat.
● To promote the practice of safe and responsible riding habits. To be respectful to landowners, the environment, other trail users, local residents, and other ATV/UTV riders.
● To work with local, state, and federal government agencies as well as other associations, clubs, and organizations to preserve and expand ATV/UTV riding privileges through involvement in the designation, establishment, and maintenance of trail and route systems in the area.
● To aid as a welcoming and unbiased communication link for local ATV/UTV enthusiasts. To act as an organized voice providing representation for the concerns of ATV/UTV riders in our community. The club also provides a forum
for riders to contact one another concerning organized rides, constructively expressing opinions or concerns, etc. ● To raise funds for charitable purposes including but not limited to donations to municipalities to cover the expenses of signage for ATV/UTV road routes, promoting local safety ATV/UTV initiatives and other community based causes as deemed by our Board of Directors which will benefit our local and nearby communities.
Section III – Code for ATV/UTV Riding
● We aim to lead by example by being mindful and responsible ATV/UTV operators. We recognize that people will judge all ATV/UTV users by our actions – every rider makes a difference. We will use our influence with other ATV/UTV riders to promote responsible sportsmanlike conduct. One abusive ATV/UTV rider is capable of negating the effects of several respectful riders.
● We will not intentionally tear up sides of trails and hills. We will not litter trails, routes or pollute streams or lakes. We will be respectful to the environment and preserve the natural landscape, i.e. “tread lightly” in our travels.
● We aim to respect the property owner’s rights and not to be any annoyance to local residents.
● We aim not to interfere with or harass walkers, hikers, bicyclists, horseback riders, fishermen, skiers, etc.
● We aim to ride only in authorized areas when traveling cross-country.
● We aim to not harass or harm wildlife or livestock in our travels.
Section IV – Form of Entity
This club shall be organized as a non-profit membership association for legal and tax reporting purposes with necessary steps taken to secure and maintain such classification that will be determined at a later date.
Section I – Composition
Membership in this club shall be determined on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to religion, sex, race, color or national origin.
Section II – Term of Membership
The term of membership shall be annual effective January 1st thru December 31st. New membership applications received on or after after November 15th will be applied as memberships for the following year in addition to the remainder of the current year.
Section III – Membership Dues
Membership dues must be paid by the end of the second monthly meeting (February of that year), and the due’s monetary amount can be subject to change per the majority vote of the general assembly. Membership dues will not be prorated based on application acceptance date.
Section IV – Membership Termination
All members are to represent the club in a positive manner. If this cannot be managed, membership will be terminated after (3) written warnings or immediately if the majority of the Executive Committee deems the action appropriate.
Section V – Membership Responsibilities
OKATV is not responsible for any accidents or injuries before, during or after and club events. Under no circumstances are members to discuss private and financial business of the organization with the general public or members of the news media without approval from the President. Members are to be responsible for abiding by all laws regarding ATV usage.
Section VI – Distribution of Funds
All funds acquired by dues or club sponsored events shall be used for club expenses, such as educational, recreational and charitable activities within the club purposes, as the officers shall designate. A major expenditure of $150 or more shall require a vote of the membership at the monthly meeting or a unanimous decision by the board members for emergency purposes.
Section I – Officers
The officers of the club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a minimum of 3 advisors, an advisor may be assigned to represent every township, village, or city that OKATV is working with or has helped pass ordinances regarding road routes. The Executive Committee shall consist of these members. Under no circumstances are (2) members of the same household to be voting members of the Executive Committee at the same time.
Section II – Term of Office
The officers shall be elected at the predetermined annual meeting for a (2) year term limit. No term limits apply.
Section III – Method of Election
● Nominations for available offices shall be made from the floor by any member in good standing at the December and January meetings.
● An in-person vote will take place during the annual meeting in February. The votes will be read aloud, a tally made, and then the President will announce the names of those elected. During the event that the President position is up for election the Vice President will preside over the vote.
● All positions shall take office immediately upon election and hold office for one term and until their successors have been named and duly installed.
● The officers at large shall be elected from the membership by a majority vote of the members. If a majority of members feel an officer is not following through with their duties, or an officer has to step down for personal reasons, they may be removed from office by a vote of the members. A new officer is to be immediately nominated and installed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
Section IV – Voting Eligibility
Members are only eligible if they are 18 years or older, and a member in good standing with the club
Section V – Duties
President – The President shall be the chief officer of the club and shall preside at meetings of the membership. The President shall appoint all standing committees and be an ex-officio member thereof. The President shall have general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of a president of an organization. The President will make every effort to attend all meetings and events. The position of President shall be voted for during odd calendar year elections.
Vice-President –The Vice-President shall keep current on the affairs of the association, to assist with the duties of President when asked to, or to fill in for the President during the absence or disability of the President. The Vice-President shall audit the club funds every six months. This audit shall take place in the presence of at least one other club member; this member shall not be an immediate family member of or residing with the Vice-President or the Treasurer. The Vice-President will make every effort to attend all meetings and events. The position of the Vice-President shall be voted for during the even calendar year elections.
Secretary – The Secretary shall attend meetings of the members and shall take and preserve a copy of the minutes of all proceedings. The Secretary shall give all notices required by these by-laws and perform other duties as may be delegated by the President. The Secretary will make every effort to attend all meetings and events. The position of the Secretary shall be voted for during the odd calendar year elections.
Treasurer – The Treasurer shall have custody of all the club funds and shall keep books reflecting a full and accurate accounting of all receipts and disbursements made by the club. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the club as ordered and shall render a Treasurer’s report at each meeting of the club. The Treasurer will make every effort to attend all meetings and events. The position of Treasurer shall be voted for during the even calendar year elections.
Advisors – The Advisors shall be supervised by the Executive Committee of Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer) on an ongoing basis. All Advisors should make every effort to attend all meetings and events. Advisors are to represent their town, village, and city. They are to provide an update on their district at every monthly meeting. Advisors can be added at any monthly meeting with a majority vote of the members present. If an advisor is not properly representing their area or not following through with their obligations to the club, their position is subject to termination by a majority vote of members present at a monthly meeting.
Appointed Committees – All committees will be formed as deemed necessary by the President, officers, and members for assigned tasks. A Committee Chairman will be appointed and lead the group. The Committee Chairman is to have a report of committee activities prepared and presented at all monthly meetings.
The fiscal year of the OKATV Club shall commence from January 1st through December 31st.
Section I – Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the membership shall be held at 7:00 pm the second Tuesday in February of each year. Whenever such day shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held the next succeeding week at the same hour. Elections for available Executive Committee offices will be held during this meeting.
Section II – Monthly Meetings
Monthly meetings shall be held at 7:00 pm the second Tuesday of each month. Whenever such day shall fall on a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held the next succeeding week at the same hour.
Section III – Monthly Meeting’s Structure
The regular monthly meeting of the club shall be to conduct the business of the club under Article I. More specifically, the monthly meeting shall be
● the President calling the meeting to order
● the Secretary report to include notes from the last meeting to be accepted or not
● the Treasurer report to be accepted or not
● any reports from the Advisors and/or Committee Chairmen
● any old news and new news
● President’s report
● meeting adjournment
Section IV – Monthly Meeting’s Purpose
● To approve, reject, amend, or refer back to the committee for further study reports from special or standing committees.
● To introduce new ideas with requests for the President to appoint committees to make further studies and report their recommendations to the club.
● To evaluate reports of completed activities, projects or programs and make suggestions for improvement.
● To provide members with information concerning programs helpful to them and to the public.
● To conduct general business involved with the maintenance of a club
Section V – Meeting Location, Special Meetings, & Voting
Special meetings of the club may be called by the President or upon request of the officers.
In the event something should call for immediate action, the President shall poll the Executive Committee and act on the matter as directed by a majority vote of the members on the Executive Committee.
Members must be 18 years or older to vote on topics during meetings.
Communication for the club will be through provided mailing addresses, provided emails, provided phone numbers, and the club social media network.
Amendments may be made at the annual, regular, or special meeting by a majority vote of those members present and voting, provided (10) or more members are present, and the proposed amendment was submitted in writing to the members at least (10) days prior to the date of the meeting. This written notification requirement must be met by public notice, a written notification sent to a member's home address or email on record, or a handout distributed at the club meeting prior to the vote.
This organization may be disbanded and dissolved after a (2) month written notice and by a two-thirds vote of the general membership upon determination that the organization is no longer viable or effective in achieving its mission, or purpose. Upon dissolution and satisfying all legal and financial obligations and liabilities, the Executive Committee shall donate all remaining assets of this organization to an organization of similar mission and purpose.